Ergonomic Management, Analysis and Planning Software
Preventing Injuries Doesn’t have to be a Stretch!

ErgMAPS (Ergonomic Management, Analysis and Planning Software) ergo-database solutions help companies monitor and manage employees in their workspaces, whether it be an office cubicle, a lab workbench or an assembly line workstation.
Founded in 2003, ErgMAPS has helped thousands of employees adjust their workspaces, reduced workplace injuries and increased productivity.
ErgMAPS is an enterprise ASP (Application Service Provider) which provides on-demand ergonomic assessments over the Internet to reach an entire employee population. Our staff will work in conjunction with your company to ensure a seamless rollout. See the advantages of using as ASP below. Use of our software can be purchased for a corporate-wide rollout or individually.
Our products include:
- 3 Tiered Office Ergo program
- 2 Tiered Manufacturing Ergo Program
- Laboratory workstation Ergo Program
- Ergonomic Training
Advantages of the ASP model:
- Software integration issues are eliminated from the client site
- Software costs for the application are spread over a number of clients
- Vendors can build more application experience than the in-house staff
- Key software systems are kept up to date, available, and managed for performance by experts
- Improved reliability, availability, scalability and security of internal IT systems
- A provider’s service level agreement guarantees a certain level of service
- Access to product and technology experts dedicated to available products
- Reduction of internal IT costs to a predictable monthly fee.
- Redeploying IT staff and tools to focus on strategic technology projects that impact the enterprise’s bottom line