Workplace Evaluations
ErgExperts' ergonomics consultant, Dennis Mitchell, identifies key sources of risk and cost-effective, comprehensive solutions for them. As ErgExperts' ergonomics consultant, he reviews many workplaces every year. He creates practical solutions by combining scientific ergonomic analysis and what he's learned during the last 30 years as a Professional Ergonomist.
ErgExperts' workplace assessment services range from basic assessment to deeply analyzing risk and producing cost-justified, comprehensive workplace improvement strategies.
The ErgExpert Difference:
Usable Solutions to Real Ergonomic Problems
We deliver specific, documented solutions to ergonomic challenges supported by objective ergonomic measurements. Solutions are delivered in report form and reviewed in working meetings to ensure that every approach is explored.
Technical Ability and Practical Experience
ErgExpert's Dennis Mitchell is a Professional Ergonomist with more than 30 years of experience in industrial, laboratorial, office and point of sale environments. He has extensive experience in customer service related organizations.Low-Cost, High-Impact Solutions
An objective, data-driven approach to managing ergonomic risk ensures that workplace improvements are effective and efficient. Solutions are prioritized by cost efficiency, emphasizing those with the lowest cost and highest impact.
Standardized Workplace Evaluation Tools
ErgExperts' standardized workplace evaluation tools, are specifically designed to create objective, actionable results. Our System To Evaluate Ergonomic Rankings, or STEER for short, has versions for industrial, laboratory and office environments.
Objective Data Collecting
Most site data can be collected with the use of simple tools. Critical physical dimensions are measured with a tape measure. Workers' motions are recorded on video. object weights and efforts are measured with a force gauge. In some instances, more advanced ergonomic tools are used.